mSeer See-Fi

For Individuals and Families:
1) Want to get together with your contacts on short notice? Not sure who is available?

2) Cannot share your mobile phone calendar with your contacts in real-time?

3) Frustrated with email and phone tag to find free time with your contacts?

For Businesses:
1) Problems sharing your mobile phone calendar with your contacts because:

2) Frustrated with email and phone tag to schedule meetings?

See-Fi™ enables direct phone-to-phone calendar sharing among designated contacts even if they belong to different organizations and even if they are not connected to a common server and even if they have different mobile phones.

  1. Buy See-Fi - Click here to buy See-Fi
  2. See-Fi - More about See-Fi
  3. Support - Users Manual, FAQs etc.
  4. Contact Us - Contact us for more information
  5. FREE Trial - See-Fi trial download